Beginning of the New Academic Session 2024-25

On 4th April, 2024, RIS family celebrated the commencement of the new academic session 2024-25. A special assembly was organised to welcome the old as well as new students. The […]

Sukhmani Sahib Path at Gurudwara Tibbi Sahib

A Sukhmani Sahib Path was organized at Gurudwara Tibbi Sahib by the school on 15th February 2024 to invoke the blessings from the almighty for the students of class 10th […]

Basant Panchmi celebration by tiny tots of RIS

🌻🌻Basant Panchami Celebration 🌻🌻Let’s pray to Goddess Saraswati 🪷 for the blessings of wealth of knowledge, wisdom and good luck to all. Rayat Inno kids ( Ropar )Students celebrated Basant […]

Charity work by RIS students

“Charity begins at home.”‘Blessing never comes from the gods. It only comes from living beings. ‘Living a life that is meaningful is something that everyone needs.RIS students found the real […]

Road safety awareness

In view of the rising road accidents in this foggy weather, we being responsible citizens must focus our attention towards the “Road Safety”.On Wednesday 29th Jan, 2024, the NSS volunteers […]

Outstanding performance by our students in SOF

“Your talent is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God.”RIS students had shown excellence performance in G.K and English Olympiad.In G.K.olympiad 5 […]

75th Republic Day celebration at RIS

“Get together, be the strength of the nation and help it reach greatest height.” RAYAT INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, Railmajra celebrated the 75th Republic Day with immense patriotic fervor and zeal. A […]

Diwali Celebration at RIS

The Vibrant and Culturally rich festival of Diwali was celebrated with immense enthusiasm and fervour at RIS on November 9, 2023. The school organized a range of creative activities, including […]